Elhanan Ministries - Bible college


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31 March 2017 final date for submission of outstanding assignments and payments.

Greetings in the Name of Jesus, and welcome to The Elhanan Bible College .
Thank you for your interest in our college. If God has placed a desire in your heart for a Christian Education and/or Ministerial Training, then we encourage you to carefully read and prayerfully examine this website.

Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning, of wisdom.” So, a proper recognition and respect for God is the first step of education.

Education is a progression from Knowledge to Understanding to Wisdom, like the process from eating to digestion to physical energy.

Learning is essential for making intelligent choices in your everyday life. Much of your present lifestyle has been shaped by everything you've learned since birth.

Education is the important act of passing along the accumulated knowledge from preceding generations to the next one, without which we would be plunged back into the fears and superstitions of the dark ages of pre-history. Gaining knowledge and passing it on to your children is a requirement of Father God. Deuteronomy 32: 46”Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of this law. They are not just idle words for you – they are your life.” Through this you will proof that you did your part in conveying the torch of truth to the next generation.

Ideas rule the world of men, and new ideas have changed the course of history. Our generation has been dubbed, “The Information Age.” But, today's scientific technology may be outdated tomorrow.

Therefore, the Church must rise to the occasion and meet the demands of a high-tech and rapidly changing society. The Elhanan Bible College views Christian education as a necessity and ministerial training as an urgency.

Our training courses will increase your effectiveness in any ministerial project you undertake. Some of our graduates are already teaching classes in local churches, and others go directly into the field of Christian Education. The best teachers teach because they love to teach, and the best students study because they love to learn.

We believe that the spiritual truths we learn on earth will be retained in our Heavenly Life, and will be built upon for eternity. If you have dreams and aspirations, your personal Christian education must not be postponed.